04 August, 2009


Hi All
Well i have finally done it!!....I've avoided myspace, facebook & twitter all this time, but have given in to the blog! I'm guessing it's the easiest way for me to jump on the social networking bandwagon, whilst sharing some of my images & stories with everyone.

This blog will be used for many things, including the details of upcoming cat shows or other events that I'll be attending & for informative facts or articles that I find interesting from both the animal & photography world. I will add links to related business's or exciting people in the industry & will offer my advice on photography and camera tips. And so I invite your questions & impute to help me with this 'networking thing'...what would you like to see on it?

So Welcome to my first blog, below is a photo i took the other day of my dog Kyser & Brummie (the cat i'm looking after at the moment) having a little afternoon nap.Kyser loves the feline company, however the 4:00am wake up meows are getting to the old boy (& me)...
Lucky he's an adorable cat and you can forgive him quickly, as you can see from the other pic.

What a face!

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