13 August, 2009

Whale Wars-Sea Sheperds

Hello All,
This week i watched the first episode of the 'Whale Wars' a doco about those AMAZING Sea Shepherds (for those of you that have fox it is on the Animal Planet channel monday nights) As controversial as they are; I've supported their mission for years & love everything they stand for. See their website to buy some great merchandise http://www.seashepherd.org/

In my own opinion you don't need to kill a whale to do 'research' on the species, there are many other proven methods. So this show is going to take you into their world (have tissues ready) & will explain their side of the story without the sensationalised view from the mainstream news.

Twice a year these beautiful, PEACEFUL creatures pass by at the end of my street (lucky me)
Most of the time they are too far out for photography, However i managed to get this shot last week with my extra long lens ...

Wish i was on that boat...

05 August, 2009

Cats & the Lily

Well here's an good example of something interesting i read recently on the Waratah National Cat Alliance website & thought i should share...along with one of my Pics of course!

BEWARE! Spring brings us warmth and many fresh flowers but the beautiful Tiger Lily (and the whole Liliaceae family) is absolutely deadly for cats! Although lilies are commonly used in floral arrangements, and cats often have access to them, most cat owners and florists, and indeed many veterinarians are unaware of lily intoxication as a potential cause of kidney (renal) failure in cats. This is unfortunate as lilies are becoming especially popular as a gift in the Sydney area, and the flowers that are sold are exceedingly toxic to cats. The key to successful treatment of these cats is early recognition of possible ingestion, and aggressive management of the ensuing renal failure. In fact, lily intoxication should be considered as a diagnostic possibility for any cat, regardless of age, suffering kidney failure of sudden onset. More importantly, prevention is much better than attempted cure, so it is in the interests of cat owners and cat lovers to make the danger of lily ingestion WELL KNOWN in the wider community. Indoor cats, and especially kittens, may be drawn to floral arrangements, as they are a novel feature in an otherwise very familiar environment that often lacks other forms of vegetation. In the course of investigating the flowers, the cats may play with and sometimes chew parts of the plant. This could easily go unnoticed by owners, or may occur while the cat is alone at home. Similarly, cats with access to lilies growing outdoors in domestic gardens may not be observed to contact the plant, so careful questioning regarding the presence of the plant or flowers is always warranted when a vet is investigating kidney failure in cats, especially when it develops suddenly. The toxic substance in lilies that injures the kidneys has not been identified, but all parts of the lily are poisonous – flowers, stamen, stem, leaves and roots. The toxic dose is unknown, but thought to be reached by ingestion of, or mouthing, very small amounts of material. Cats seem to be unique amongst domestic pets in their susceptibility to this intoxication, possibly due to differences in their metabolism. Lily toxicity should always be considered in any case of acute renal failure in cats. Ingestion of small amounts of plants or flowers of the Liliaceae family can cause severe, irreversible kidney failure and death in cats within 3 to 7 days of exposure. Cats should therefore never have access to flowers or plants of this family.
Article courtesy
*Excerpt from: University of Sydney Feline Health Articles, FIP Dr Jacqui Norris, Lily intoxication in cats, Jody Braddock, Joanna White and Richard Malik Faculty of Veterinary Science and the Post Graduate Foundation in Veterinary Science, The University of Sydney, New South Wales, 2006

04 August, 2009


Hi All
Well i have finally done it!!....I've avoided myspace, facebook & twitter all this time, but have given in to the blog! I'm guessing it's the easiest way for me to jump on the social networking bandwagon, whilst sharing some of my images & stories with everyone.

This blog will be used for many things, including the details of upcoming cat shows or other events that I'll be attending & for informative facts or articles that I find interesting from both the animal & photography world. I will add links to related business's or exciting people in the industry & will offer my advice on photography and camera tips. And so I invite your questions & impute to help me with this 'networking thing'...what would you like to see on it?

So Welcome to my first blog, below is a photo i took the other day of my dog Kyser & Brummie (the cat i'm looking after at the moment) having a little afternoon nap.Kyser loves the feline company, however the 4:00am wake up meows are getting to the old boy (& me)...
Lucky he's an adorable cat and you can forgive him quickly, as you can see from the other pic.

What a face!